Monday, January 7, 2019

Cycle detection

Periodic inspection.
The division of the cycle is as follows : for the continuous production of products, safety tests and electromagnetic compatibility tests are carried out every year for a period, and other tests are conducted every six months for a period. When product design, process, components and raw materials are changed, all relevant project tests should be carried out. For products that do not have continuous production, if the interval is greater than three months, the periodic inspection shall be carried out when the production is resumed.
Third, the electromagnetic compatibility test also known as the interference characteristic test. It is to assess the impact of electromagnetic interference on electronic products, to determine the adaptability of electronic products in the electromagnetic interference conditions. Electromagnetic interference refers to the electromagnetic noise or unwanted signals that cause damage to the function of electronic products such as AM radio and TV. Electromagnetic interference, including radiation interference ( refers to the electromagnetic interference through space ) and conduction interference ( refers to the transmission of electromagnetic interference along the conductor ). In order to guarantee the electronic products to work normally under the condition of electromagnetic interference, the limit value of the interference characteristics of electronic products must be in accordance with the relevant regulations. For example, the frequency range of the radio frequency interference voltage for the color TV set in the range of 150 ~ 1605 kHz is 500 kHz, when the limit value is less than 4 dB, again, the local and intermediate frequency radiation interference voltage, the frequency range is below 300 MHz, the limit value is 52 dB, standard requirements that meet the limit value of product interference characteristics. Task 2 Machine Package
At present, the packaging enterprises mainly have the semi-automatic flow mode and the fully automatic assembly line, which is shown as fully automatic packaging pipeline.
5 position rotary switch
Type of packing
1. Transport package. The main role of transport packaging is to ensure the quantity of products, to protect the quality of products, to facilitate the storage and transportation of products, and ultimately to the consumer to reach the consumer's hands intact in. Therefore, according to the characteristics of different products, we should choose the appropriate packaging materials, adopt scientific arrangement and reasonable assembly, and make use of various necessary protective measures, do a good job in the outer packing of the product.
2. Sales package. The sales package is the outer packing of the product. It is a kind of packaging that consumers meet directly. Its role is not only to protect products, to facilitate consumers to use and carry, but also to beautify products and advertising use. Therefore, the packaging should be based on product characteristics, usage and consumer preferences. 3. Medium packing. The packaging plays a role in measuring, separating and protecting products, and is an integral part of transportation packaging, but there are also meetings with consumers that accompany the product, such packing shall be regarded as sales package.
                 From Allicdata

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